Well 11 is consulting company in Oil & Gas industry, and part of our operational activity is managing the work schedule of many people, both our crew and contractors.
I was designing the scheduler app for Well 11 from scratch and company express a need of design system since they have extensive road map that consist of a series of different products which will be a part of one suite. They wanted to have design system in place from very beginning that will help them to scale fast and add more and more products along the way.
The goal was to create a design library for all design components with ability to scale. I had to create a complete design system that includes foundations and other design elements for their future design and development team to use. Based on my previous experiences with design systems it would help company to:
- Be faster in design and development circles.
- Be consistent in all our product tracks.
- Be flexible and scalable in the future if we need to change or add new design elements.
- Be efficient in terms of communication in between departments like: product, design and engineering.
- UI foundation was laid out. I would be able to produce designs faster and it will secure consistency of
UI down a road.
- Developers was able to create FE library of components based on design which sped up their workflow.
- Design system became a parent library for future product tracks that came into app suite.